Saturday, February 23, 2019

Super Special #1 - Baby-Sitters on Board!

Super Specials are different than the other novels in this series - they are longer, with the chapters divided up from different viewpoints. For these, I will write up a summary of the whole book then hit highlights from the character's stories.

Mr. Pike wins a cruise and trip to Disney World for his entire family (I bet his company was wishing someone with a smaller family won).  They ask Stacey and Mary Anne to come as mother's helpers again. When Watson hears about the trip, he decides to take his entire family, along with Dawn and Claudia (because no baby-sitter can be left behind). (Also, I can't believe Kristy's brothers don't throw a fit and insist on bringing their own friends.) (Unless maybe they are each other's best friends.) Kristy decides since all of the BSC members are there (there are only 5 at this point - Kristy, Claud, Stacey, MA and Dawn) that they need to have meetings every single day. She also decides they need to brainstorm a gift to give to the two sets of parents that made this trip happen. They have a lot of shitty ideas, but finally Claudia comes up with the idea to make a scrapbook of the trip.

  • Kristy, Dawn and Claudia share a room, both on the cruise ship and in the hotel. Dawn is a neat freak and Kristy is a slob, and they are pretty terrible to each other. Kristy is super immature - like, at breakfast one day she sloppily drinks her milk to create a milk mustache and then won't wipe it off). Finally, they apologize to each other. 
  • Everyone meets new friends - Kristy meets an old man she hangs out with, Stacey meets this little boy in a wheelchair who has a bad heart, Claudia has a secret admirer, then she meets a boyfriend who ends up being the secret admirer, Dawn meets a boyfriend, and MaryAnne meets this incredibly sophisticated girl who tells her that she is an orphan, but it ends up not only does she have famous folk singing parents, but also her brother is Claudia's secret admirer/boyfriend.  In an odd twist of character, MA actually confronts her and decides she does not want someone who lies that much in her life. 
  • Karen gets to pen two chapters, and she doesn't come off well in either one of them. In the first one, Kristy takes her, David Michael and Andrew to the pool and Karen asks if she can go back to her room by herself to get something - Kristy lets her but Karen gets distracted and goes and gets a manicure and a coke, charging it to her room. Like a spoiled little brat. In the second one, her parents take the three little kids to a Disney character breakfast and Karen fucking lies and says its her birthday to get everyone to sing to her. BRAT. 
  • Mallory isn't a babysitter yet, and she's super weird. She tries to do this Harriet the Spy thing where she just kind lurks around and listens to conversations - and ends up getting most of her facts wrong. It's weird. She's weird. 
  • Bryan gets to write two chapters, and they are boring AF.

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