Sunday, February 17, 2019

#126 - The All-New Mallory Pike

January of 9th repeat

The day has finally come for Mallory to go to her new school, Riverbend. She and her parents make the trip, and the first night goes pretty well for Mal. She meets all the other new students, and then the next day the returning students come back and she meets her roommate, Alexis. Right off the bat, it's not going to work out -Alexis starts telling her all the "rules" for the room, and Mallory finds she also has no room for her own stuff bc Alexis has taken over.

Things just keep getting worse and worse. Alexis reads Mallory's journal; she borrows earrings without asking. Mallory throws herself into her new life with her new friends and just avoids her room. Alexis then makes her feel bad for avoiding her, but then two seconds later she is a bitch again. The shit finally really hits the fan when Mal gets a care package from the BSC and Alexis completely destroys it. They have mediation meeting with their RA and the dean, and Alexis storms out, goes back to their room and completely trashes it, throwing shit everywhere. The dean sees the situation is drastic, so they ask a girl who has a single room to move in with Mallory and they move Alexis to live by herself.

Back in Stoneybrook, the Pike kids are fighting over Mallory's space - with her being gone, Vanessa has a room to herself and that's really not fair. So they battle it out, and then finally sort it out.

Right when Mallory leaves, all the Pike kids like LOSE their minds and are all depressed that Mallory left. I don't think that's very realistic. And it's not like Mallory died. It's January at this point, so I bet she would be home in like 8 weeks for a spring break of some sort. Get it together.

Also, I think it's weird the Pike family never thought of the room situation before Mallory left.

The roommate situation reminded me so much of my first roommate at BVU. She was just weird. All I wanted to do was move out, but they had a roommate freeze time where you couldn't make adjustments. As soon as that time was over, though, I bolted.

Also, I kind of wish I had gone to an all girls school. I feel like I would have had my shit together a little earlier in life if I had.

Best Character
Mallory. When I was an 19 year old kid going to school for the first time, I lost my shit often. Mallory is 11 and handles it like a pro.

Worst Character
I mean, obviously Alexa, the room destroyer.

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