Friday, February 15, 2019

#122 - Kristy in Charge

Fall of 9th repeat

SMS, again, is doing something crazy. They have a new program, called TOT (Teacher of Tomorrow), where students can volunteer to be a teacher for extra credit. Of course Kristy is all for it, and Abby immediately calls her out for just wanting a reason to boss everyone around. Of course that's true. but Kristy also thinks this is a great opportunity to show the teachers how much they suck.

Most of the BSC does it - Kristy gets a gym class, Mallory gets an 8th grade english class, Stacey gets a math class, Mary Anne gets some boring class. They are supposed to come up with very detailed lesson plans to hand in. Kristy decides gym teachers don't do lesson plans, so she doesn't. She is also teamed up with the boys PE teacher for the same period, who is some guy she can't , stand. She refuses to work with him, so their first two class periods are complete madhouses. They get sent to the principal's office, who tells them they have one more chance and then they will be fired. So they actually work together and their last class is such a success, the PE teacher asks them to come back and teach the final.

Mallory, however, is terrible. She is nervous anyway about teaching 8th graders anyway, and then they make fun of her and call her SpazGirl, which quickly spreads to the entire school and becomes her new nickname.

The babysitting sub plot is that Vanessa decides she wants to be a teacher and forces her siblings to play, so they TIE HER UP and refuse to play with her.

Takeaways Kristy and her partner suck so badly they almost get fired, and then after ONE successful class, they get asked to come back and teach the final? #nope

Mallory is just the most depressing, negative person in the world.

MaryAnne hates being the center of attention and public speaking, but yet she volunteers to be a teacher? #nope

Best Character
Honestly, I think it was the PE teacher Kristy was working for. Usually Kristy kind of rolls over adults, but this teacher wasn't having it and put her in her place. And sent her to the freaking principal's office!

Worst Character
I realize Mallory was put in a shit situation, but her whining and crying made her insufferable. So Mallory.

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