Friday, February 15, 2019

#120 - Mary Anne and the Playground Fight

Beginning of summer between 8th and 9th repeat

It is summer again, Dawn is back again, and, again, somehow, SMS has offered their students an amazing trip. This year it is Europe for FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. THAT'S ALL.

There is also a opportunity at the playground for camp counselors. Everyone wants to do all of the things. But then Dawn says she is not going on the trip, so then Mary Anne decides she is not going. Then Logan says he is not going. Then Claudia says she is not going if she gets a playground job. Stacey, Abby and Kristy decide they want both, so they lie during the interview and say they won't go, but their plan is to just wait until they start and then ask for the ten days off. It's super shady and the girls fight pretty badly about it.

Mallory and Jessi get cut right from the start because of their age. Kristy, Stacey and Abby put their plan of lying into action. Meanwhile, Kristy is insistent everyone help fund raise even though not everyone is going. She is a huge bitch about it, which doesn't help with the fighting.

Subplot in this book is that little princess Victoria is moving back to Europe and she's sad. so they have an "American themed" goodbye party for her.

So as it ends up, the committee sees through the lies and only hires Dawn, Logan, MaryAnne and Claudia. They have this weird meeting where the formally apologize to each other and all is well.

How are they going on this trip for only FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS?!

As this series is coming to an end, Kristy is becoming worse and worse to hang out with. I would guess when they are finally too old to be in a babysitting club, most of these girls won't be friends with Kristy anymore.

Mallory has a pretty good line in this book where she FINALLY yells at Kristy for treating her like a baby. Kristy is kind of the worst.

I also love that the committee saw through the lies and didn't give the job to Kristy. She kept saying in this book how she was way more qualified than anyone around her.

Best Character
I mean, they are all kind of terrible, but I would say MaryAnne because she makes the right decision by choosing to stay in Stoneybrook with Dawn. Although, passing up a $400 trip to Europe is pretty stupid.

Worst Character
Fucking Kristy.

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