Saturday, February 16, 2019

#125 - Mary Anne in the Middle

December of 9th repeat

Okay so Mallory has decided she is for sure leaving to go to boarding school, and Jessi is pissed. They fight constantly and for some reason they are both confiding in Mary Anne about everything. They are constantly talking to MA about each other and MA is like losing sleep over it. Finally, she tricks them into both coming to her house at the same time and then she acts as the mediator, gets them to understand each other, and they make up. The BSC and pretty much the entire neighborhood of Stoneybrook then has a "We Love Mallory" day.

The substory is that the BSC, along with the entire neighborhood of course, makes holiday decorations for the old age home and then throws a party for the old people. It's the most successful party in the history of old age home holiday parties.

I really hope these girls are keeping track of all the community service they do. It will look great on job/college applications.

There really wasn't a lot to this book at all. Jessi and Mallory were both super immature about their fight and were downright nasty to each other. And they were super mean/rude to each other in front of people, including their sitting charges.

Also, they both get pissed and walk out of a BSC meeting and I can't believe that was okay with Kristy.

Best Character
MA because she has to deal with two sixth graders fighting like children and she is the only one who figures out how to get them to get along.

Worst Character
Honestly Mallory is pretty immature, but Jessi is just plain nasty the majority of the book.

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