Sunday, March 17, 2019

Super Special #8 - Babysitters at Shadow Lake

Watson receives a letter from his aunt (a phone call sure would make more sense...) about how they want to leave their lake house to him in their will. However, they know what a huge responsible it is, so they ask him to take a trip up there with his family to see if he would be interested. Kristy asks if they can bring friends, and Watson says yes. Sam and Charlie only need each other, Karen brings two friends, David Michael brings two friends, and of course Kristy brings the entire BSC. She justifies it by saying they will babysit the little kids, all day every day, for free. Of course. Kristy decides to have everyone make notes so she can put together a journal for Watson convincing him they need to have the lake house.


  • First of all - the BSC babysits the kids all day, every day. Do the parents never want to hang out with their kids?
  • Sam decides he is in love with Stacey, so he teases her mercifully the entire book, and then on the last night they go to a dance and Stacey falls in LUV with him, too.
  • Claudia discovers a boat costume contest (nope, not a thing) and decides to enter their tiny little boat up against the huge boats and yachts (nope, yachts aren't going to be on a lake). So she dresses it up as a lake monster and she wins "Best Spirit". 
  • Most of the BSC act like total morons in this book. Examples
    • MaryAnne babysits for the three girls one day and lets them "babysit" her. She acts like a baby. It's creepy and weird. And that's literally all MA does in this book. 
    • Mallory gets bit by bugs a few times and becomes terrified of bugs/insects.She starts wearing long sleeves and hats and actual mosquito netting. She's a total spaz. I don't know why her friends hang out with her. 
    • Jessi meets a boy, they hang out once and she decides he must be in love with her. She prepares to tell him about Quint and how she wants to remain loyal to him (yes, she is 11), but then he's like um I have a girlfriend back home, I was just playing. Which goes to show you even in the BSC universe, players gotta play. 
    • Dawn gets obsessed with and scared of a "lake monster" and lets it take over her life. But you know, she's so cool and calm and collected all the time (eyerolls). She starts asking questions around time about a "lake mystery" and finds out there was a family that lived on an island, and one night they just all disappeared. One year after that, their house burned down. The BSC boats to the island and spends the night, but of course Dawn just wants to go back to the lake house the entire time
  • David Michael and Karen have chapters and they are terrible and boring. Basically each group of friends wants to get away from everyone else. 
  • Kristy's main goal throughout the book is to get Watson to realize he needs to accept the gift of the lake house. Which he does. 

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