Monday, March 11, 2019

Super Special #6 - New York, New York!

The girls get yet another two week vacation from school, and decide to use it to go to stay in New York with Stacey's dad - actually, they can't all fit in Stacey's dad's apartment, so some of them stay at Laine's. Claudia is actually the driving force for this vacay, because she finds a two week art class she wants to take with a famous artist, Mac Clark. Mallory decides to take it too, since she is going to write and illustrate children's books.


  • What kind of a vacation would this be if some of them weren't babysitting the whole time? Stacey and MA take a job as nannies for these two children who are in NY for the same two weeks as they are. Their parents are like, super important English dignitaries, so they are way too busy to hang out with their children. While taking the kids all over the city, they discover a man is following them. They finally tell the parents about him, and it ends up it is the children's bodyguard. Then Stacey awkwardly waves at him all day. 
  • Claudia and Mallory take the art classes, and the teacher is super easy on Mallory and super tough on Claudia. Obviously this is because he sees Mallory as an immature artist and he knows Claudia has potential if she would just fucking focus. But it causes a pretty bad rift between Claudia and Mallory. Finally, Mac is honest with both of them about their skills, and Claudia is on cloud nine and Mallory is like meh, I don't really like serious art anyway, I like to draw cloud and mushrooms (wtf). Claudia apologizes for being a b. 
  • Speaking of that, it always floors me how mean these girls are to each other. Like Claudia gets jealous that Mallory is getting treated better by the famous artist, so she calls her names and makes fun of her to her face constantly. I just don't think people do that in real life. Talk behind her back like a normal person, Claudia. 
  • Kristy finds a dog in Central Park and takes him to Laine's apartment with the plan to take him home to Stoneybrook. Then she gets told no by Watson, and Laine's parents are like WTF are you doing? So she finds a new owner for him, this kid who is lonely and wants a dog. 
  • Jessi meets a boy, Quint, and hangs out with him. He is a boy ballerina. She gets her first kiss from him. 
  • Dawn, the laid back, cool, calm and collected Dawn, loses her shit and can't leave Stacey's dad's apartment. Kristy sits with her for two days and then can't take it anymore. She gets offended that Kristy and Jessi don't want to just sit with her all day and watch tv. She ends up meeting a boy in the apartment building, who convinces her to let him take her on a tour of the city. She falls in love with him, of course. 

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