Thursday, March 7, 2019

Super Special #4 - Baby-Sitters Island Adventure

Dawn and Claudia are really into sailing, suddenly, and they are both really good at it. They decide to have a race, to this little island and back, and it ends in a tie (of course Dawn thinks she won, but no one agreed with her). They schedule a re-do, but decide just to race TO the island, then have a fun afternoon, then leisurely take their time coming back. Becuase they have to be baby-sitting at all times, they invite four children to come with them - Becca, Haley, Jamie Newton (yes...4 year old Jamie Newton), and Dawn's brother, Jeff, who is coming to Stoneybrook for a four day weekend.

A storm hits in the middle of their journey to the island, and Dawn's boat gets a hole in it. They have to ditch it, and they all end up on an island using Claudia's boat. They are stuck there for two nights before they are rescued.


  • There is no way this should have happened. One - the island they were going to was only three miles away. THREE little miles. If a normal person can WALK 3 miles in 45 minutes-ish, that's what is the most time it should have taken them to get to their original destination. How did they get SO off course that they weren't found for TWO days. 
  • Let me back up. So the entire town, including NATIONAL MEDIA COVERAGE, come to search for them. They have huge boats and AIRPLANES looking for them. Again, they could not have been that off course that they couldn't be found by AIRPLANES for days. 
  • The day before they leave, Dawn forgets to give MaryAnne a message that Logan had to cancel a date. MA and Logan both hugely over-react and MA actually tells Dawn "I hope I never see you again." Then MA is too distraught to help with the search. MA is worthless. 
  • Kristy cancels a Krushers game bc the kids on the island are involved with the team, and also literally every person in Stoneybrook is searching. Bart tells her she's being selfish. Bad call, Bart. Bad call. 
  • Like...I get that this is a small town and this is a big deal. But Mallory's family is like, oddly super involved. Like they cancel an entire trip to stay in town and help with the search. Can you imagine the planning that goes into planning a family trip for ten people? It's weird that they 1. we still in town when this race started and 2. would just cancel the entire thing to search nonstop for people you aren't related to. 
  • Jessi's aunt has to come to town bc her parents left town....and must have been pretty far away, since they NEVER COME BACK AND THEIR DAUGHTER IS MISSING....but also, they left an ELEVEN YEAR OLD in charge of two children for an entire weekend?!
  • Again, I cannot stress enough how this never would have happened. 
  • They were only going on a three mile trip...............THIS NEVER COULD HAVE HAPPENED. 
  • Also, did no one think to CHECK THE WEATHER before they left for this huge, long, drawn out, three mile trip?

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