Monday, January 28, 2019

#110 - Abby the Bad Sport

August before 8th repeat

This book was booooring.

Okay, so it's still summer and Abby is playing on a unified soccer team, so it's like half Special Olympic kids and half non-Special Olympic kids. Abby pretty much immediately loses "her" starting position to a Special Olympic kid, Erin, who does a really good job at it. Abby gets moved to defense, and she is PISSED bc that position does a lot of work but gets no glory or kudos for it. She ends up starting a fight during a game with Erin, and they both get benched.

So basically Abby is a huge B to her team, her friends and her family. Her family plans a trip to Long Island to finally see her father's family and his grave. He died four years ago. Abby refuses to go.

Finally, she realizes how awful she is being, apologizes to everyone and finally feels like she is a part of the team.

The babysitting sub plot is that, of course, all the kids in Stoneybrook get obsessed with soccer and come to every game, and then raise money to buy the team tshirts.

One thing that was super annoying in this book was - how does Abby (the book is in her voice) know everything that is being said when she is not around? Normally this happens, where even though it's like a Dawn book, but somehow she knows every single thing that happens at MaryAnne's babysitting job. But it was so weird and awkward this book, where Abby is playing soccer but somehow knows every whisper and head nod that happens in the stands.

Also, no kid in the history of kids is THAT interested in a sporting event where they watch every single second of the game. NO WAY.

Also, when Abby is fighting with her family, she excuses herself to go do homework. Um. School is not in session yet.

Abby seriously has a worse ego than Kristy. She cannot believe the coach is fawning all over her and freaking out about how she's the best player to ever play soccer.

Also, it's kind of weird how a person is THAT obsessed with a sport.

Best Character
Kristy, because she is finally the one to call Abby out on her shitty behavior.

Worst Character
OBVIOUSLY Abby. I don't think I like that character very much.

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