Monday, January 7, 2019

#106 - Claudia, Queen of the Seventh Grade

March of their 7th repeat

Claudia is back in 7th grade and she is fucking rocking it. She gets nominated for prom queen and wins. Her job as prom queen is, along with her King (this guy named Mark) to plan the 7th grade prom. She soon finds out that means nothing, essentially, but she decides to make it the best prom ever. She plans this huge event, along with fundraising, and at first Mark is incredibly lazy and doesn't want to help, but he comes around. They end up kissing, and then the prom is a smashing success.

Sub story is that the Addison's finally called again after Sean got caught setting fire to a bunch of books and the BSC turned him in (.......this must have happened in a mystery book.......). But now Sean is a major dick bc he hates babysitters. A kid in his class makes fun of him for having a babysitter. But then sneakily Stacey finds out that kid still has a sitter too, and all is well with Sean again.

These books are getting more painful to read.

The BSC members (besides Jessi and Mal) are, of course, huge bitches about Claudia and her new 7th grade friends. They call them "little". These girls seriously are the worst.

One of Claudia's new 7th grade friends, Josh, is so clearly in love with her and she doesn't see it. Or he's gay.

Best Character
Claudia, because she could have taken the easy road and just had the Queen do nothing like years past, but instead she made it the best prom ever.

Worst Character
Kristy and Abby, because they are the meanest about making fun of Claudia's new life. Stacey kind of is a b, but then she admits it's just because she is jealous.

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