Tuesday, January 15, 2019

#108 - Don't Give Up, Mallory

May of their 7th repeat

Mallory basically has two plots in this book:
1. She is in a new class about children's literature, which she should be pumped about, but the teacher is super young and super hot and is a baseball coach, so he favors the boys quite obviously. Rather than try to get involved, Mallory pouts and won't even try. The teacher notices and asks her for a meeting, which she refuses.
2. Mallory is secretary of the 6th grade, and their grade always does a fund raising type event to give something to the school. Mallory does some research and finds that the class from like ten years ago raised $1000 for a library lounge, which doesn't exist. Ends up the school used those funds to fix the roof.

So Mallory goes all bad ass bitch on both of these situations. She goes to the principal and basically demands the money back - he agrees to give the money back only if the current class can raise $1000 as well. After that she feels powerful, so she goes to her teacher and tells him he is acting sexist. He is offended, but then realizes she is right and apologizes.

While all of this is going on, there is also a Memorial Day parade going on in Stoneybrook, and rather than just go as spectators, of course the BSC has to arrange a "marching band" with every kid in Stoneybrook. They are nervous because there are so many kids involved, but of course it goes over extremely well. As does Mallory's fundraiser. However, in her class, she gets her first ever B+. Which she is okay with, because she learned so much about herself during the course of the class.

It took big, gigantic balls for Mallory to go to her teacher and talk to him.

It is kind of bullshit that the principal would only give the stolen funds back IF the current class could raise $1000 as well. You could tell he didn't think it was possible.

These girls have got to calm down. They announce to the world they are doing a Memorial Day marching band, then get all rammy when parents start dropping their kids off to participate.

Best Character
I mean, obviously Mallory wins.

Worst Character
That shady as shit principal, who I assume is short and bald and smokes cigarettes in his office.

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