Sunday, February 11, 2018

#57 - Dawn Saves the Planet

Nothing is really mentioned so I’m just rolling with spring of their second 8th grade year. 

Dawn is taking a science class and they have an environmental/ecology section. They have a project due to just do something dealing with the environment. 
Okay, to put it bluntly, Dawn loses her goddamned mind. She goes way way overboard and starts lecturing everyone in the entire town about environmental issues. Her and Stacey work together on their project and decide to teach a bunch of neighborhood kids about the environment (I mean, of course their project had to do with kids). At the end of the class, they will do a “Green Fair” to show what the class did. 

Even though that’s the real project, Dawn decides to do another project where she puts together this huge proposal on why Stoneybrook Middle School should be the hub of recycling for the entire town. She has to submit the proposal to the school, where the student body votes if they want to do it and who should lead it. The students vote to do it, but they don’t vote for Dawn to run it because she’s been a giant c-u-next-Tuesday about the whole recycling bullshit. Dawn is hurt and basically does nothing after that. 

Her friends finally explode and tell her what a bitch she’s being. She realizes they are right and calms down. Her and Stacey finish their project and the Green Fair goes off perfectly. And after Dawn shows she is done being a psycho, she gets asked to co-manage the recycling project. 

I do not understand why the school had to vote on a town recycling center. It makes no sense. And since this class decided yes, every class for the rest of our lives has to run this recycling center?

I can’t even explain what a whore Dawn is about this environmental bullshit. Like she’s terrible. I would have stopped being her friend all together. 

When the Pike’s are being crazy while being babysat, they make everyone use real plates and real cloth napkins. But isn’t wasting water just as bad?

Best character
I don’t even know. Probably Stacey because, as Dawn’s partner for the project, she has to deal with her the most. 

Worst character
Fucking Dawn. 

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