Thursday, August 10, 2017

#30 - MaryAnne and the Great Romance

No timeline. So it has to still be the end of May, their 8th grade year.

MaryAnne's dad and Dawn's mom have been on like 25 dates, so they decide to get married. They clearly had already planned on it, but then Mr. Spier decides to surprise Mrs. Schafer on her birthday with a fancy dinner and engagement ring. MaryAnne and Dawn then plan a huge ass wedding in their heads, but they are shot down with their parents tell them they want a quiet, lowkey event, very soon.

It is decided that MaryAnne and her dad will move in with the Schafer's and when MaryAnne finds out she loses her goddamned mind. But then she gets over it. Her and Dawn decide to share a room.

The wedding is a little event, and then they go out to lunch. At that point MaryAnne starts worrying about her new life, then Mrs. Schafer throws the bouquet, and it's headed right towards MaryAnne and Dawn be continued.

At the wedding lunch, Mr. Spier tries to feed Mrs. Spier veal. After 25 dates and now a marriage, he doesn't know she's a vegetarian? He acts all butt hurt when she doesn't accept it.

MaryAnne cries through the entire fucking wedding. Seriously. I know it's emotional, but get your life together. She completely messed up all of her makeup that Claudia wasted time doing for her.

The subplot in this book is that the Arnold twins hate each other because they have to share a room. MaryAnne sees that, and suggest that maybe a little distance will help. But does she take her own advice? Nope.

Best character: 
Probably Mr. Spier, because he plans a pretty nice proposal and then he gives MaryAnne a necklace he was saving for her 18th birthday that was her mother's.

Worst character:
Probably Mr. Spier, for trying to feed a vegetarian meat.

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