This book takes place at the beginning of August, before their 8th grade year. At the end of the book, Stacey mentions there are two weeks before 8th grade starts.
MaryAnne and Stacey are mothers helpers for the Pike family during a two week trip to Sea City. The entire BSC is separated during this two week period, with Dawn in California visiting her dad, Claudia on vacation in the wilderness somewhere with her family, MaryAnne and Stacey are with the Pikes, and Kristy is in Stoneybrook bonding with her new family.
During the two weeks, Stacey becomes a bit of a prude whore. She meets a lifeguard, Scott, and thinks they have fallen in LUV. (She spells "love" as "LUV" during the entire book. It's not stupid at all.) Anyway, this lifeguard is 18 years old and clearly he knows Stacey is obsessed with him, so he uses her as a errand girl. Stacey thinks that because she is running and grabbing him sandwiches and sodas all day, that he LUVS her back.
Anyway, since she is spending all her days chasing sodas for Scott, MaryAnne is PISSED at her. She is making MA do all the work and it is irking her off, even though she has met another mother's helper (a boy) to help her with her mother helping.
MaryAnne and Stacey kind of make up and spend a night on the boardwalk (where the hell is this Sea City place?) and Stacey sees Scott kissing another girl on the beach. She loses her goddamn mind, calls in sick the next day and mopes and pouts until she meets another guy, and then she kisses him in and falls in LUV again.
MaryAnne and Stacey are mothers helpers for the Pike family during a two week trip to Sea City. The entire BSC is separated during this two week period, with Dawn in California visiting her dad, Claudia on vacation in the wilderness somewhere with her family, MaryAnne and Stacey are with the Pikes, and Kristy is in Stoneybrook bonding with her new family.
During the two weeks, Stacey becomes a bit of a prude whore. She meets a lifeguard, Scott, and thinks they have fallen in LUV. (She spells "love" as "LUV" during the entire book. It's not stupid at all.) Anyway, this lifeguard is 18 years old and clearly he knows Stacey is obsessed with him, so he uses her as a errand girl. Stacey thinks that because she is running and grabbing him sandwiches and sodas all day, that he LUVS her back.
Anyway, since she is spending all her days chasing sodas for Scott, MaryAnne is PISSED at her. She is making MA do all the work and it is irking her off, even though she has met another mother's helper (a boy) to help her with her mother helping.
MaryAnne and Stacey kind of make up and spend a night on the boardwalk (where the hell is this Sea City place?) and Stacey sees Scott kissing another girl on the beach. She loses her goddamn mind, calls in sick the next day and mopes and pouts until she meets another guy, and then she kisses him in and falls in LUV again.
There is so much ridiculousness in this book.
1. The BSC is going to be separated for exactly two weeks, but they all act like they are going to be gone for months and months. They seriously cry during their last "party" (which is everyone sitting in Kristy's room). Like cry. Actual tears.
2. When they get to Sea City, Stacey thinks the house is old fashioned and the room given to her and MaryAnne "isn't her taste." Rude, Stacey.
3. When Stacey meets Scott, she introduces herself as "Stacey McGill. Thirteen years old. Formally of New York City." Okay, Stacey, we get it. You're from New York, and that makes you better than everyone else.
4. When Stacey and MaryAnne are on the boardwalk, before Stacey sees Scott making out with that girl, she is trying to decide on a present for him, and seriously considers getting him a tshirt that says "Stacey + Scott = LUV". Like...she thought she was in a real relationship with this guy! WTF!
This book is where I learned about sunburn remedies. MaryAnne gets fried on the beach and all the Pike kids bring her different things to help her feel better.
At the party before they all leave, Kristy tells MA and Stacey to write "Club Notebook" entries via postcards every day they are gone. Annoying. But then Dawn is all "Well I might babysit at home, so I will send entries too." First of all, stop babysitting on vacations. Second of all, no one cares about your California kids, Dawn.
Best character:
I've got to go with Mr. and Mrs. Pike this time. They have been taking their huge family to this Sea City paradise for years and years, and normally it's just them in charge. I'm glad they finally wised up and brought along a couple of babysitters so they could do their own thing. Because they are literally never with their children during this entire book. Which I suppose would be the best way to be on vacation when you have eight fucking kids.
There is so much ridiculousness in this book.
1. The BSC is going to be separated for exactly two weeks, but they all act like they are going to be gone for months and months. They seriously cry during their last "party" (which is everyone sitting in Kristy's room). Like cry. Actual tears.
2. When they get to Sea City, Stacey thinks the house is old fashioned and the room given to her and MaryAnne "isn't her taste." Rude, Stacey.
3. When Stacey meets Scott, she introduces herself as "Stacey McGill. Thirteen years old. Formally of New York City." Okay, Stacey, we get it. You're from New York, and that makes you better than everyone else.
4. When Stacey and MaryAnne are on the boardwalk, before Stacey sees Scott making out with that girl, she is trying to decide on a present for him, and seriously considers getting him a tshirt that says "Stacey + Scott = LUV". Like...she thought she was in a real relationship with this guy! WTF!
This book is where I learned about sunburn remedies. MaryAnne gets fried on the beach and all the Pike kids bring her different things to help her feel better.
At the party before they all leave, Kristy tells MA and Stacey to write "Club Notebook" entries via postcards every day they are gone. Annoying. But then Dawn is all "Well I might babysit at home, so I will send entries too." First of all, stop babysitting on vacations. Second of all, no one cares about your California kids, Dawn.
Best character:
I've got to go with Mr. and Mrs. Pike this time. They have been taking their huge family to this Sea City paradise for years and years, and normally it's just them in charge. I'm glad they finally wised up and brought along a couple of babysitters so they could do their own thing. Because they are literally never with their children during this entire book. Which I suppose would be the best way to be on vacation when you have eight fucking kids.
Worst character:
Obviously Stacey is a complete moron in this book, so she wins.
Obviously Stacey is a complete moron in this book, so she wins.