First of all, I must apologize for taking such a long break between books. September was a bit bananas for me. But I'm back at it.
Stacey is a diabetic. There, I said it, that's the truth. She is an only child, and her parents can't have more kids, so when their only child gets diagnosed with this dangerous disease they go off the rails with their over protection. They have found a new doctor in New York who practices holistically, and they book a five day appointment with him. Stacey doesn't want to go; finds a better doctor and when they are in New York she confronts her parents and they end up working everything out.
Also subplot A: There is a new rival club in town, The Baby-sitters Agency. They are older than the girls and their clients start to hire them. It sucks. The girls come up with all these plans to save their business, but the agency pretty much implodes on itself bc they suck at babysitting. The kids tell the BSC what sucky sitters they are, and they encourage them to tell their parents. The agency ends up shutting down.
Subplot B: Stacey's ex New York best friend Laine quit speaking to her when Stacey got sick, and Stacey didn't ever tell her what was wrong with her before she moved to Stoneybrook. Stacey's parents told Laine's parents who told Laine, and Laine and Stacey end up making up.
This book took place in mid-November through early December.
Mrs. Newton is ready to pop the baby out, and the girls come up with several different plans for how they are going to help out when she goes into labor. This just seems so ridiculous to me. Why did the BSC think that they were going to have to save the day? Didn't they think that the Newtons had family? Or would take care of it themselves? The Newtons never asked for their help, and ended up using Kristy's mom anyway.
Also on that topic - after the baby is born, the girls all go over with gifts and Stacey comments that Mrs. Newton still looks fat. What the actual fuck, Stacey! What a horrible thing to say. Well I mean, she doesn't say it to Mrs. Newton but still. What a bitch.
When the rival agency opens up, the girls come up with all these plans to make themselves the better baby sitting service. One of their ideas is to do housework while they are sitting. Isn't this a thing anyway? When I was a kid, I always tried to make sure the house looked better when the parents got home than when they left. Maybe that was just something I came up with on my own? But I swear I read it in a BSC book, because basically my entire childhood was based off these books. Maybe it will come up later - I am only on book three, after all.
Laine and Stacey become tight again at the end of this book, and Stacey says if she ever comes to Connecticut she will make her an honorary member of the club. Oh Stacey, you innocent flower. I hate to be the one to tell you that Laine becomes a giant b word soon.
Best character
I don't even know who to pick in this book. I'm leaning to towards Claudia because she is just kinda cool and not really worried about the rival agency throughout the book.
Worst character
There are some shit characters in this book. Stacey's parents obviously suck, and they are so stupid about Stacey's disease. I still can't get over Stacey calling Mrs. Newton fat, so there's that. Plus Mrs. Newton and Mrs. Johansson just, like, ditch the BSC and start hiring the Agency sitters, which is a dick thing to do. Plus the agency itself, of course, are aholes.