Sunday, March 24, 2019

Super Special #10 - Sea City, Here We Come!

The whole group is going to Sea City. The Pike's are going like they do every year. Normally Stacey and MA go as mother's helpers, but this year Mallory is acting as one (why would she want a normal vacation when she could BABYSIT the whole time), and since Jessi is her best friend, she is invited as the other. The Barrett's are also coming, and Stacey is their mothers helper. Kristy, Dawn, Claudia and MA are coming down for the second week. Mrs. Barrett's boyfriend, along with his four kids and Logan, drive them all down. They leave after a few days (Logan goes with them), and Kristy, Dawn, Claudia and MA hitch a ride back with the Barrett's or Pike's. 
While they are there, a hurricane hits and they have to take shelter in an elementary school. But it ends up being fine. 

  • Like, you would think a fucking hurricane would be the main point of this book, but it is literally one chapter, then we find out in the letter at the beginning of the next chapter that everything is fine. 
  • Also, can we talk about how many letters and postcards these people write? Stacey literally wrote a postcard saying she was stranded in an elementary school - to her MOM. Maybe that should have been a phone call instead. 
  • When they get there, Stacey immediately runs into her "ex-boyfriend", who she literally went on one date with and got "dumped" the next day. His name is Toby, and since Stacey won't give him the time of day, he starts hitting on Mallory and asks her on a date. Stacey gets super pissed and won't talk to Mal. Mallory decides she doesn't want to go on the date, so she breaks it off. Then Stacey finally apologizes. Also, in the letter Toby writes Mallory after they all go home (because Toby would write to Mallory......nope), he asks for Jessi's phone number. 
  • Before the four extra babysitters go to Sea City, Claudia is in summer school; Kristy is coaching the Krushers and Dawn/MA have a summer camp in their backyard. It is written about extensively and is pretty boring. 
  • Logan gets to go for a weekend, and he meets Alex, the boy MA went on a date with last time she was there. He is very jealous. Then when he goes back home, he can't stop thinking about how MA is probably cheating on him. When he finally hears from her, he realizes he is being cray and orders a HORSE AND BUGGY to pick her up when she arrives home. 
  • Jessi decides she has to be a super sitter and is crazy about it. 
  • There is an unnecessary chapter from Karen's point of view and she isn't even fucking there. 
  • Dawn contributed nothing in this book. 

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