Thursday, February 7, 2019

#113 - Claudia Makes Up Her Mind

Fall of 8th repeat

Claudia is doing really well in 7th grade - she is doing well in her classes, she's super popular and she has a steady boyfriend, Mark. But then she gets told by the school counselor that they think she's ready to move back to 8th grade, and everything slowly starts to fall apart.

The school is in the middle of the "color war" - where each grade gets assigned a color and they compete - so she tries to throw herself into that. Meanwhile, her boyfriend is becoming more and more shady, and she cannot make up her mind about which grade to be in. Also, her 7th grade friends tell her that her friend, Josh, has the hots for her, which just complicates things more.

Finally, she makes two decisions - she is moving back to 8th grade, and she is breaking up with Mark. Then she immediately - like less than 12 hours later - gets with Josh. And the 7th grade wins the Color War, so she gets to go out on top.

Also, of course, the kids in the neighborhood hear about the Color War and want to have one of their own, which the BSC organizes and hosts.

I don't feel like a school would drop a kid back a grade then move them forward again all within the span of a few months.

I don't understand how SMS has time to have all these events - don't these kids ever just go to regular school?

Best Character
Probably Josh, because he has to watch Claudia waste her time with Mark and is just patient, and then he wins her.

Worst Character
Probably Alan Gray because he cheats during one of the Color War games. That's really reaching, but there really wasn't much to this book.

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