Monday, March 13, 2017

#20 - Kristy and the Walking Disaster

So it's supposed to be between Halloween and Thanksgiving, but somehow it's still warm enough that kids can play softball in just tshirts. I don't buy that. They are in Connecticut, not Florida.

While baby-sitting, Kristy notices that a bunch of kids love softball, but are either too young, too scared, or too sucky to play Little League. There is a guy in her neighborhood, Bart, who coaches a team of pre-Little Leaugers, so she walks to his house and asks him to take on all these kids, but he says he doesn't have room. So Kristy decides to start her own team. Oh, and she falls in love with Bart.

She rounds the kids up, they decide to be called Kristy's Krushers, and pretty soon Bart challenges them to play a game against his Bashers. The Krushers lose the game, but they never give up. Bart walks Kristy home from the game and holds her hold for a hot minute, then makes her promise they can hang out soon.

This book is actually kind of boring, and the title doesn't make much sense - like yes, Jackie Rodowsky is a walking disaster, and yes, he is on the team, but the book isn't, like, all about him.

Kristy talks a lot about Watson in this book - he loves softball and organizing things. She finally seems to be coming around, and he is really nice to her.

I find it hard to believe that Stoneybrook doesn't have softball or tee ball or something for younger kids - I think Omaha has shit like that for kids when they are like three.

I seriously don't have much else to say...the Krushers lose the game, but they score like ten runs, which is pretty impressive.

The other baby-sitters really aren't in the book at all, except for helping out at practice and at the game. Oh, and Bart sounds super hot.

Best character
I'm going to give this one to Kristy. She not only runs a club where she babysits all the fucking time, but in the small amount of spare time that she has, she has decided to donate her time to helping kids with their softball skills. I have gone to kids sporting events and just sitting in the stands is irritating and frustating, I can't imagine coaching.

Worst character
Bart and some of his Bashers come to one of the Krusher practices to spy, and the Bashers are little fuckers. They call the kids idiots, fatsos and babies. Not cool, Bashers.

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